Letter from the President

Announcing our leadership transition and search


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I’m writing to share that Kelly Medinger, our most trusted and valued Executive Director of the Knott Foundation for the last decade, has shared her intentions to resign from her post, effective December 31, 2022.

Kelly will indeed be missed.  Her unwavering dedication to our mission, her institutional knowledge of our Foundation, her keen understanding of family dynamics, and her strong team-building with our executive staff have all contributed greatly towards the growth, focus, and stability of our Catholic family foundation.  In addition, her interpersonal skills and astute insights always served us well over these many years.

While her shoes will not be easy to fill, we are embarking on a search for a new Executive Director.  We are pleased to share that position announcement in this e-newsletter and on our website and look forward to receiving applications from candidates interested in the role.

On behalf of the entire Knott family and Board of Trustees, I extend my sincere thanks to Kelly.  Our hearts are full of immense gratitude for her “too numerous to mention accomplishments,” which have left an indelible mark on our 45-year history.  We all wish her the best in her future endeavors, and we look forward to welcoming a new Executive Director in the coming months.

With deepest appreciation,

Lindsay R. Gallagher


The Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation